Sarah (#511) 01-18-14

Motorcycle rallys need security, and Thunder by the Bay had plenty. Local gendarmes are not always enough, so Sarah was hired as private security by the Ameritrade building. Most of the sidewalks are concrete, but in Ameritrade owns the sidewalk in front, and it is covered in pavers. Sarah said that her job was to “Keep drunks from urinating on the sidewalk.” Nice.


Sarah is from Pinellas County, 40 miles north. She retired from law enforcement in 2004, and has worked part time in private security ever since. Sarah has worked Super Bowls and Mardi Gras. She loves it!


Bob (#510) 01-17-14

The motorcycle rally was called Thunder by the Bay. As the bikes rolled in, I saw Bob walking by himself, so I stopped and asked for my usual favor. He shrugged and said “Sure, why not.” He is originally from the Gov. Chris Christie state (New Jersey), but has lived 30 miles away, in Englewood for the past nine years.

The rally covers both Saturday and Sunday; this was Saturday. Usually Bob only attends on Sunday, but this year he’s trying to sell his Harley so he is attending both days. I would not be able to attend on Sunday. Notice the cross on Bob’s lower left.


I would not be able to attend Sunday, but would be otherwise occupied. A Wake / celebration of Life ceremony was scheduled for a friend. David was a local club manager and civic leader who was killed on his Harley, New Year’s Day. He was cruising on U.S. 41 and a car just pulled out right in front of him; David had no chance. Now that is what I call Thunder by the Bay! What a cruel coincidence.


Mark and Jill (#509) 01-16-13

I happened to be standing by my favorite light location and saw Jill and Mark heading my way. So I nonchalantly backed up a few paces, walked forward, and just 'happened' to meet them at my spot. Each carried some purchased packages, and neither was interested in the upcoming motorcycle rally. Jill looked me squarely in the eye – I'm 6' 1”. When I made my request, each shrugged and said OK.


They looked at Mark's image and were favorably impressed, although it reminded them of pics in the Post office. Jill looked at hers and said, “Not bad, but too many wrinkles.” I said, “That's why God made Photoshop.” They both laughed at that; neither was interested in getting a copy of the images.


7 Tips for Photographing Strangers (#508) 01-15-14


Wednesday again, time to check out someone else’s point of view. And this comes from the Phoblographer – cute name, I had not seen this before. But the author, Ibarionex Perello, is very familiar to me. He moderates weekly in-depth interviews (podcasts), with veteran photographers on his site, The Candid Frame. See it HERE.

It’s always nice to get another photographer’s take on this subject and everyone has a slightly different style. See his thoughts in this brief article.  HERE.



Eric (#507) 01-14-14

Last weekend featured Thunder by the Bay, a motorcycle rally, in Sarasota. For Street Portraiture, this has to be Heaven on Earth. As the bikes were gathering, I spotted Eric on a sidewalk, having a smoke. With Doo-rag, tattoos, earrings, and a healthy beard, he was a Harley classic. When I explained the project, he seemed amused and willing.


As I was getting a few shots, I asked Eric if he was standing close to his bike. “Oh, I don't ride. I work at this salon” as he pointed to a sign about 50 feet away. It was the Euduz Salon, that does hair and nails. See it HERE. 

Eric's specialty is hair. He has worked at Euduz since October, but has been doing hair styling for 23 years.

Well maybe Eric doesn't ride, but I think that with his look, he should!


Lisa (506) 01-13-14

On Christmas Eve, Lisa was walking toward me in Macon, GA. I stopped her and asked for my usual favor. She shyly put her hand over her mouth and said, “Me? Me?” I said “Yeah. Yeah.” After laughing for a few seconds, she agreed.

Lisa had dental braces. Often I have to ask women to not smile for the camera. No problem here. Lisa kept her lips pursed, I think to keep the hardware out of view. She approved of the image and took my card.


She owns and works at her hair salon, just a few steps from where I photographed her. Her website (under construction) is HERE.

I asked her what was the best thing that happened so far on this Christmas Eve. She thought for several seconds, and then said “Nothing yet. I have to work until 4:30!”


Cavin (#505) 01-11-14

Imagine stepping out in the morning to a very cold, strong north wind. Then imagine thinking, “Ah, a great day to go to the beach!” Sounds crazy, but if you are a surfer on the west coast of Florida, that's how it is. The Gulf of Mexico is notably placid, and surfers only get waves during inclement weather. Even then, by Pacific standards, the surf is pretty puny.

A couple of days ago a strong cold front passed through, associated with the infamous Polar Vortex. I headed to the best surfing area (such as it is) and the beach was relatively crowded. Most of it was in harsh sunlight, so I found an acceptable area (for light) and waited. Finally a young, athletic young man passed by and I met him. He thought that 100 Strangers was a funny concept, but did not resist. I almost always do head shots, but under the circumstances, I thought it best to include the board.

As I peered into the viewfinder, something was wrong – I could not see Cavin. I had recently had this problem after switching lenses. Even thought I felt a 'click', apparently the electronic contacts did not meet properly. So I began to fiddle with the lens when Cavin said, “The lens cap is on.” Oh. If I was a professional photographer, this amateurish error might be a disaster. As an amateur senior citizen, no big deal. Cavin thought that it was a hoot, and that only helped the experience. (Maybe I should start a string – who has forgotten to remove a lens cap?)


Cavin lives in Venice. Surprisingly (to me), he does not travel to other locations to surf. I commented that he must be greatly hampered by the benign weather. He said, “Yep. I live for cold fronts and hurricanes.”


Breezy (#504) 01-10-14

Breezy. The names just get more unique. Breezy was sitting on the ground, in a doorway. Perfect light with a bright face and dark (distant) background. It was almost like a garage doorway, a classic natural location. Next to breezy was a large canvas sac, the universal companion of the homeless.

When I introduced myself and explained my project, he said, “Oh sure, how about for a dollar?” Then immediately he pulled is hand back and said “no...”, laughing at himself. He was originally from San Diego and said that he has traveled around the world twice. When traveling, he always stops in Sarasota. But this time was a problem. He is a musician, and while playing a gig he got drunk and was arrested. Having no money, the police confiscated his piano. To confiscate a piano, the police must have wanted it badly, and I can imagine that the inebriated Breezy made quite a scene. I didn't ask how he traveled the world with a piano.

Anyway, the piano is safe until Breezy can get the money to 'bail it out.' But first he has to get to Miami for some dental work – he had been to a clinic there. As he soon turns 65, Medicare may become helpful. I handed him a few dollars and suggested that he use it to recover his bread and butter. We shook hands as we parted; he held the shake for a moment, looked into my eyes and said, “Thank you, brother.” This was partly for the few dollars, but I think more for the brief bond that we formed – most folks would pass him by.


I so adored the light and colors, that I had considered a color image. But as usual, the B&W (in my opinion) brings his face forward, and the viewer to his eyes.


Rob and Juliette (#503) 01-09-14

As we approached each other, Juliette caught my eye. I wanted to photograph her, but the background was cluttered. Moreover, we were away from shade, although the sky was overcast. Usually when I think that it might be overcast enough for a portrait, I'm wrong, and settle for some unflattering shadows.

But I positioned myself in front of them, asked for a favor, made my usual request. While I spoke, they were silent and appeared skeptical, I wondered if they were foreign born and English was not their primary language. But finally Rob asked why I did this. So I got out the phone and showed them the Flickr Photostream. Immediately they beamed, and Juliette said, “cool!” Never has my smartphone been so helpful. Rob asked how many of the hundred I had gotten. I explained that I had photographed several hundred strangers, and that the project was addictive. They were then totally on board and happy to be photographed.


As well they should have been. Rob and Juliette were visiting Florida from Ft. Wayne, Indiana. This was a couple of weeks ago, prior to the “Polar Vortex” deep freeze. But even at that time there was a blizzard in the Midwest. I failed to ask how long their vacation was. Hopefully, they are still in Sarasota.


30 Strangers Portrait Project (#502) 01-08-14

Another Somebody-Else Wednesday.

Photographer Justin Hackworth has a project that approaches portraits of strangers from a different angle. Instead of seeking strangers on the street, he advertises on Craigslist. Why Not?

See his project HERE.  



Isabelle (#501) 01-07-14

 My favorite Farmer's Market, and Isabelle was sitting in a booth (nice light) wearing an interesting hat. And even from a distance, she had a character face. Her booth had a bit of traffic, so I had to bide my time, waiting for a lull in the action. When my turn came, she immediately became interested in the 100 Strangers concept and eagerly took my MOO card.



Prior to residing in Sarasota, Isabelle lived in Arizona and Hawaii. Her product is Good-Gums, a toothpaste alternative that she created. Read about it HERE:

It's nice to see that a small company selling alternative products can exist and survive in an economy driven by multinational conglomerates.

While we were speaking, a lady stopped by and realized what I was doing. She said that Isabelle was a great artist; Isabelle had not mentioned that. Sure enough, a quick Google search turned this up: see it HERE.

Usually I prefer portraits with eye contact. In this instance, I feel that the profile reveals more character.

Good luck in your artistic and entrepreneurial ventures, Isabelle.



B (#500) 01-06-13

Not Bee or Bea, just B. B is a native of Sarasota. She was standing at the edge of a crowd with a friend. I approached her and asked for a favor, before going into my spiel about the 100 Strangers project. Then I rubbed my chin, looked at her sideways, and said “I don't know what it is, but somehow you just caught my eye.” Both B and her friend broke into laughter.


Her friend said that her hair color was natural. I said “Wait a minute (pointing at her hairline), her roots are showing!” More laughter. I said that she must have to color it every few days. B said no, about once a month. She must REALLY have roots the last week.

I asked B, “What is the most exciting thing that has happened to you today?” She replied “Well, this is pretty interesting...”


Post #500 – a milestone for me.


Sean (#499) 01-04-13

When I saw Sean walking along, I knew that I had to give it a try. I have a poor track record in getting permission to photograph from businessmen. Men wearing ties and/or jackets usually decline being photographed. I postulate that when business clothes are donned, it is like assuming a role. And the role does not include being photographed. Anyway, when I explained my project to Sean, a slight smile crossed his face and it was obvious that he would comply.


Sean lives in Ft. Myers, about 50 miles away. He was in Venice for the evening, to have dinner with his parents. He is a salesman for the pharmaceutical firm AstraZeneca. Their products include the popular Symbicort and Nexium.

I asked Sean about the best part of his day. “Driving up I75 without encountering an accident.” Yep, that isn't easy.


DeWayne (#498) 01-03-14

A man was sitting on a park bench in Macon, GA. I approached him from his left, not realizing that he was listening to an mp3 player. When I started to speak, he pulled his headphones off, I felt like an idiot intruder. Nevertheless, he agreed to be photographed.


He said that his name was DeWayne. Hearing the pronunciation, I said, “D-U-A-N-E?” He said no, gave the correct spelling, and began pulling papers out of his wallet. He tried to show me his drivers license, to prove the spelling. I assured DeWayne that I believed him and that it was unnecessary to prove it. Now I REALLY felt like an idiot intruder!

He was born and raised in Macon. I asked him what he looked forward to in the new year. DeWayne went on a long monolog about how religions feuded among themselves, disagreeing on interpretations of God. He was especially frustrated with the Christian denominations raising barriers, rather than being inclusive. He hoped that the new year would bring more harmony. Heavy thoughts.



Kenzie and Aaron (#497) 01-02-14

Kenzie and Aaron approached me in fairly harsh light. I first spoke with Aaron, commenting on his loud headgear. They were playful, and had no reservation about being photographed. After introducing myself, I managed to misspell both of their names. Usually I go about 50 – 50 on name spelling, but not this time.

Kenzie and Aaron are from Sarasota. I asked my usual question,” What is the best thing that has happened to you today?” Several seconds passed and they looked at each other. Suddenly Kenzie brightened up and said, “Oh today is my birthday. I'm 21!”

Yeah, that counts. I truly think that she had forgotten, and that I reminded her. Another good reason to be photographed.


New Year - New Beginning (#496) 01-01-14

Isn't every New Year a new beginning?

First of all, Happy New Year. Let 2014 be the best year for everyone.

And second, thank you for being here. I am grateful that you visit this site and (hopefully) find find meaning in the content. I am grateful that I can continue to do what I like – meet new people and photograph them, and then share the experience with others.

Now besides being New Years Day, it is a Wednesday. So I'll pass along the work of another photographer. The (online) Academy of Photography ha a youtube video on Black and White Artistic Portrait. This is right up my alley, and I hope that you will find it interesting too. See it HERE.

If you have difficulty with this link, please copy and past this URL into your browser:





Esther (#495) 12-31-13

Esther was born in Kenya and has the accent to support that. She was weaving a basked at a craft show. Her booth contained woven items and hand-made pottery. Another photographer, Alan, was with me.

Alan told Esther that he planned to travel to eastern Africa soon, and that his father had lived in Ethiopia for a while. This piqued her interest. Alan has a photograph of his father with Haile Selassie and three other senior officials. Ultimately, all four Ethiopians were murdered is separate incidences. Nice place. Esther got up, entered her booth, and returned with a ceramic tray measuring 10-12 inches. She said that it represented a map of Africa. I would call it a very stylized map of Africa. She held it north up (I guess) and pointed to a protuberance on the right (eastern) side and said, “No go there – bad people in Somalia”, and made the cutthroat sign. She would not have to tell me twice. While she handled the piece, I got a glimpse of the price, $110. Neither Alan nor I bought a stylized Africa.

I asked Esther if she was living in Sarasota. No, currently she is from Melbourne, FL, on the east coast. Before coming to the U.S., she had toured several European countries, selling her wares. Next she plans to tour South America. I guess a lot of people buy Stylized Africas.




Jakeson and Friends (#494) 12-30-12

Well, another embarrassment. After I photographed, and spoke with four young folks, I walked half a block and stopped to make notes. I pulled out the Moleskine journal and wrote their names – but I forgot one. I forget if this young man is Jason or Jake. So for the purpose of this post, he's Jakeson.

The four were setting up a table on the sidewalk of a main street. A sign said “Support for Malaria Free Nuts.” Jennifer said that certain nuts prevent malaria, and by making them available to African cultures, a protective effect could result. I took this at face value. But having googled 'malaria free nuts', I am unimpressed with the results. Oh well..., the kids felt that they were doing a good thing.

I asked them about the best thing that had happened that day. They looked at each other until Jakeson spoke up, “I got to help load a truckload of Poinsettias for a Boy Scout troop. I asked if he was in the troop. He said no, but that he is an Eagle Scout. Good for you! It's nice that attaining Eagle Scout status, you are always an Eagle Scout. An octogenarian doesn't say “I was an Eagle Scout”, he says “I AM an Eagle Scout.”


Julie and Kira (#493) 12-28-13

Julie and Kira were standing on a street corner holding a sign. I couldn't help noticing that one would frequently hug a passerby. So as I approached, I could make out the sign, “Free Hugs” and below in smaller font “commit random acts of kindness.” Well, how could I resist? I got my free hugs and enlisted them for 100 Strangers.

Both Julie and Kira go to high school in Bradenton, about 10 miles away. They were a group of about a dozen 'huggers' working Sarasota that day. It was difficult to hold a conversation, as each constantly reached out to people and, well, hugged them.

This is not a disorganized, or strictly local, phenomena. Juan Mann began this movement in 2004 in Australia, and it has spread to other nations (obviously). The official websites are HERE  and HERE.

And you think that you had heard it all.


Amber (#492) 12-27-13

Meandering through a craft show, I spotted Amber with her dog Zita. When I explained 100 Strangers, she was intrigued and stopped to talk for a while. She LOVES the Sarasota area. Her parents are in California, but she has absolutely no desire to move there. Amber works for the health department in Manatee county, about 10 miles north.

I asked her what was the best thing that happened to her that day. She said, “Not having to work.” (It was a Saturday)
