Nathalie was 'manning' her booth at an outdoor art festival. Her oil paintings all had a theme, people in hammocks. Hence the name, “Art Swings by Naty.” Cool! Her logo is “A Piece of Peace.” Who wouldn't like that? Her website is HERE.
So when I approached her about 100 Strangers, she was more than eager to help. Naty is originally from Columbia, but found the U.S. More conducive to artists making a living. Three comments about this image:
1. I post images in color infrequently. When I do, the colors are almost always complimentary, to isolate the subject and other spaces. This might be the first time that I have worked with harmony of analogous colors.
2. Naty is 42. Can you believe that?
3. I did not (could not) direct her, she just naturally fell into this pose. Do you think that she has ever seen a camera before? :-)