Suzy (#226) 02-25-13

Art festivals are one of my favorite venues for finding strangers to photograph. Artists are usually receptive to the concept, and in a way I think that they are sympathetic. Anyone who creates art (in the broadest sense of the term) and 'puts it out there' takes the risk of rejection and ridicule. It can, at times, be a lonely endeavor.

So when I saw Suzy sitting near a booth and sketching something, I approached her with my usual question. With a huge cheerleader smile, she told me how interesting the project sounded, and of course she would participate. We agreed that in searching for an open, positive person, I had hit the jackpot. She smiled the entire time; this is her.

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And I like the sideways glance here, even more.

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Suzy's business is called "Wonderful Wacky Women", and it's, well..., hard to describe. But her website says it all. See it HERE.  This a busy site – a lot going on there. The one thing that stood out for me was a blog entry with a video and song that has meaning for her. It's called "Have I Done Any Good Today", and it is uplifting.

In Suzy's words, "This is a performance by Alex Boye and Carmen Rasmusen and if I could have my very own theme song this, without any doubt in the world, would be it!!!!!".

Thank you, Suzy, for being so positive.
