Hannah and Wes (#652) 09-23-14

Hannah and Wes were sitting outdoors, sipping coffee while Hannah worked on a laptop. When I approached them, Hannah was a bit reticent, but Wes was all for it. As often happens, the more positive person drags along the more shy.

Hannah is from Memphis, and moved to Sarasota as a high school junior. She is now a junior at the Ringling College of Art and Design. Her major is Digital Film. She is producing a short video and Wes is the 'star'.

But Wes is not a thespian by trade. He is studying herpetology at the State College of Florida, in Bradenton. He hopes to transfer to the University of South Florida or the University of Florida. Ultimately he would like to work at a zoo. Wes has numerous family members who have a theater background, so he is carrying on a tradition.
