Dominic (#761) 01-15-15

I had just parked on Main St. by one of my favorite stranger hunting grounds when Dominic walked in front of my car. His beard, dapper look, and sartorial presence immediately caught my eye. I quickly fumbled to get the camera out of the bag, the Moleskine journal into my packet, and my wits about me. I had to hurry to get around him to introduce myself.

Dominic is from Tampa, and works for Merrill Lynch. He was in Sarasota for the day to learn some procedures from the local office manager. When I told him that I lived in Venice for most of my life, he thought I meant Venice Italy. I said, “If my name was Dominic, I would live in Italy.” He replied, “I'd like to live in Milan.

I explained that people in business dress seldom want to be photographed, in my experience. He was very interested in 100 Strangers and asked for a copy of the image, and my card. Dominic then THANKED me for including him in the project. I love it!

That evening I got an e-mail from him, again thanking me. I was so impressed that I have included the text below:

“Great to meet you today Bob! I think your 100 stranger project is pretty cool.  I try to talk to three people a day I would not normally talk too, and if that means stop them in their tracks to ask how their day is going so be it. All I have is today!

We are all connected 100x over and should cherish the moments we are blessed with.”

How nice is that?
