Tessa (#749) 01-03-15

Tessa, who works at Pastry Art was sitting in front of the bakery, waiting for her shift to begin. This was the first time that I had seen her outdoors, so I immediately approached her. Amazingly, sue was a bit reluctant; I know that she has seen me photograph people many times, including her coworkers. I heard a bit of the usual, “My hair doesn't look good today”, etc. But once she agreed, she couldn't stop grinning.

Tessa is familiar with Flickr, and has an account. I asked if I could find her under “Tessa.” She wasn't sure, as she had changed accounts a few times. I asked:

“Had you been hacked?”

“No, but when Yahoo took over, it was a Cluster.”

“Wait a minute, I know that word!”
