Laura (#833) 13-04-15

Laura was sipping a cup in front of my spot: Pastry Art. Her hair caught my eye, and I told her so. A bit reluctant at first, she was reassured when Nick, the cop, walked by and said, “Hi, Bob.” Laura said that apparently I wasn't a mass murderer, and agreed to be photographed. Actually, she was very agreeable and interesting. She is from 'all over', including North Carolina, Tennessee, Oregon, and a few other choice spots.

She moved to Sarasota three years ago and set up an outpatient practice; Laura is a psychiatrist. When I told her that I was a reformed (retired) pathologist, we had quite a bit to talk about. Laura invited me to the weekly meeting of the “Do Nothing Club” at another coffee shop. I plan to give it a try.

As often, I shot two quick bursts of 3-5 images. Blinking, therefore, is a non-issue. And sometimes (like here) there are micro gestures that change over a second or two. These were all shot within two seconds. The first is my favorite.
