Jan (#859) 05-12-15

Jan, pronounced Jan, not Yan. The pronunciation depends on your ancestors. Jan's mother was named 'Welch', from Ireland. That struck me funny. He was having a drink at Smokin' Joe's Bar, guaranteed good light. He has lived in Sarasota since 1959, working mostly in irrigation. During a 12 year hiatus he lived in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Jan loves Native American history.

Jan was a Marine, and wore the appropriate hat. During Viet Nam he was sprayed with agent orange and has numerous health problems as a result. I told him that a friend of mine was also sprayed, with diabetes and lung problems ensuing. With plenty of reason to be bitter, you could not find a more patriotic man. Jan is the same. He holds no grudge and is a true flag waver.

Recently he has lived in an apartment building that houses many college students. Several are studying film, and have recruited Jan to have an ersatz acting role. He loves it. β€œIt keeps me young, and what the Hell.” One five minute video clip took over 20 hours to produce. Whew!
