Sean (#857) 05-09-15

Sean likes it here. He was obviously on break from some job, and darned if it wasn't at Cafe Clasico, where I have photographed several women recently. He lived in Chicago for 12 years, Indiana for 12, and now Sarasota for three. Sean loves the ambiance of downtown. At first he worked on Siesta Key, but quickly got tired of the 'a**hole tourists.' from up north.

In Indians, making $10/hr. was considered good. Here he works 40 hrs/week and makes $20-$30/hr. With tips. But, and it is a big BUT, no health insurance. That had been costing $250/month, so he let it lapse. But if he doesn't get insurance next year, he will face a tax penalty. Ah, the joys of “The Affordable Health Care Act”.
